
Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Saturday, November 27, 2010

Originally uploaded by FreeNation: Prophecy


FreeThought & FreeMusic Presents: "8th of November"

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Friday, August 27, 2010 , , , , ,




Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Monday, August 23, 2010 , , , ,
(Shoulder shrug..)
So I decided to swallow my pride and release the cover early

FreeThought & FreeMusic Presents: "8th of November" AUGUST 26TH ...THIS THURSDAY!!!! #TuneIn2TheGame Yall

**NEW EXCLUSIVE: "Sometimes"

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Sunday, August 15, 2010 , , , ,
This is the NEWEST RELEASE from the "8th of November" project..

The EXCLUSIVE DROP has been giving to the "Regular Black Girl" Blog @



Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood
So my cuzin Melissa, (@MelODramatEK1 FOLLOW HER!!)
has managed to save my entire project all by her self o_o
Not too long ago, she started her own blog "Regular Black Girl" and has so graciously been playing ALL Prophecy ALL day long on her page lol.  My cuz has ALWAYS been 110% down for me in ALL of my lyrical endevours ..even when I rapped so horribly, I made Vanilla Ice sound like 2pac.  And with that, Melissa has just been showing me and my whole team non-stop love and support.

Not to mention,
with her blog being as beautiful as it is, not only is she sky-rocketing in hits, but whatever song(s) she so chooses to post, gets CRAZY burns outta control spins (...and to a demographic I couldn't have reached myself)

With that said,
I just wanted to give a quick shoutout to my cuzzo for holding me down crazy through the humble beginnings of not only me as a budding artist, but FreeThought Inc. as an organization.

Good Looking Out Cuzzo!!!
( ..#ican't.. i feel warm inside ..i hate this feeling)  CHECK IT OUT!!

8th of November OFFICIAL RELEASE DATE: ** AUGUST 26TH #TuneIn2TheGAME **

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood , , , , ,

It's OFFICIAL.. the LONG awaited, HIGHLY anticipated "8th of November" project by yours truly, is set to RELEASE on the 26th of August @ 8:00 PM Central Time!! This August 26th #TuneIn2TheGame

Alexis Marie: Alumni Open Mic

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Wednesday, August 4, 2010 , ,

This piece is JAW DROPPING ..i respect Alexis Marie's craft more and more, every time I watch and listen to her. She is a phenomenal writer and performer ..and on the low.. sexy as hell *clears throat*

8th of November: Promo Gets Make A Over

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood , , , ,
anybody that has been checking the blog for updates on the "8th of November" project (as you should have been), has seen how I have tussled back and forth with the project poster. First, it was just a mere black and white poster for the purpose of promo during the release of "Pancakes & Mixtapes: Vol. 1." In that, revisions had to be made, and a new poster was drafted making minor changes to the template poster that had been created prior.

on the very brink of release, a BRAND NEW cover AND back has been drafted - to play as the OFFICIAL project cover and back to the "8th of November" project. NOBODY has seen it, with the exception of my brother and homie Jordan Davis. This poster will NOT be released onto the web UNTIL the official project release date, that is still undergoing heavy contemplation.

What I WILL SAY.. is that it is a MAJOR upgrade from the first two promo poster that have been released to the public. _x

Mission: Bus Boys & Poets - Complete

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood

It's been a long time coming, but today, I can stand and say I have poured my heart across the stage of "Bus Boys & Poets" - The legendary cafe established in Washington D.C. by none other than the great Langston Hughes.

Anybody that has known me for longer than two summers can tell you, the infamous "Bus Boys & Poets" on the corner of 14 and V. in Washington D.C. has been in my "To-Do-List." And with that, many of them KNOW my struggles and experiences I've had with it, in the duration of the two years I've been living here in the DMV. (including getting as close as to having my name on the list to spit, and than having it COMPLETELY overlooked).

about 3 weeks ago, a homie from out of town rolled into the D.C. area (shoutout to Sharea) and purchased me a ticket the show that coming Tuesday night. I honestly had no intent on performing, however, any poet can tell you that you hardly EVER prepare to perform when you do. So with that, I was FORCED into overcoming my pride and fear, and once again placing my name the same list that has seen the likes of poetic greats across history (i know.. i'm really spicing this up).

With that said,
it was my first time performing all summer, due to the on going labor on the #8thofNovember project. It was a bit rusty, but all in all, according to Sharea, the crowd LOVED me. (She had to convice me, because my ego made me feel as if I was trash, due to my lack of rehearsal).

I'm just glad that, although a very minor step, I can say that I'm that closer of a step, to reaching my goals and dreams *fist pump* _x

Law Of Seduction: Today's Law

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood

Confsue Desire and Reality - Create the Perfect Illusion

Aim at secret wishes that have been thwarted are repressed, stirring up uncomfortable emotions, clouding a victims power of reason


Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood , ,

LMFAO my brother and I have been ROLLIN since we've found this video _x

#PoetryPlug: Scarlet Zombie Revolver

Written By: Andre' M. Waldon

better dead bolt the door..."


im a bandit.
son of a rebel tribes men.
child of a divergent blood line.
running free not wild.
controlled,yet untamed.
sticking dynamite in your safe houses.
bandanna tied around my mouth screaming
loosely conjugating words in street alleys.
-park foyers.
-auditorium stages.
-on book pages.

a lucid Dutchman.
dropping fata morganas on you buffones.
know the rules-but Know no rules.
only the law of the poem Giver.
rule of thumb sport
you cant run wid him,
its to tight with him.
the pressure is to d i e for.
catch me dressed in an outfit not fit for your comfortable appeal.
dressed to Killll
all false doctrines by soothsaying-peacockin'-fal
se locksmith-poem dipsticks!


b a n d i t o

bandanna tied around mouth-chin-throat.
make dichotomy look like the work of a cut-throat surgeon.
sticking shafts of dynamite in your safe houses.
tongue lacerating the air--while im screaming.
loosely conjugating words-fiercely-in street alleys.
-foyers of gov't buildings in the dark // daylight.
-auditorium stages.
-on book pages.
-mountain tops.
-in your daughter's bedroom.
-your son's garage.
potent-ly is him.
poetry be them.
fear them.
know them.


knocking on your front door
with a message filled in a molotov cocktail
we bring war and fireworks on a daily basis.
Better lock your attic and basement!
put biometric locks on your personal safes.
no need // When We Move its all safe-less.

like a lucid Dutchman.
dropping a fata morgana on you buffones.
bump protocol we tamed the rules.
we follow the law of the only true poem Giver.
rule of thumb kid.


b a n d i t o
sling my ink for them.

i suggest you dont BANG wid em'.


" aint safe no more"-Tariq

so get busy.

Pardon Our Progress As We Finish Remodeling

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood


Law of Seduction: Today's Law

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Stir Up The Transgressive and Taboo

People yearn to explore their dark side. Take your victim further than they imagined - The shared feeling of guilt and complicity will create a powerful bond. __x

Prophecy: The 7th Letter (Wild Style)

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Tuesday, June 15, 2010 , , , ,

This was the second release from the project but was only leaked to Twitter - Now it's available for download and posted on the blog for you to enjoy (see.. i'm not that bad of a person *figures crossed*) __x

iZotope Ozone 4: Complete Mastering System

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Sunday, June 13, 2010
As I was searching the web for credible plug-ins to download for Pro-Tools 8 ..I came across something that just might have been what the doctor ordered (..or would've had I made an appointment). From pop superstar producers to "Just Blaze" himself, long time producer for Roc-a-fella records, all have worked with the likes of iZotope software.

iZotope is a company like Digidesign, that designs software to run in cahoots with Pro-Tools and/or by itself - depending on the software.

What particularly caught me by the balls, was iZotope Ozone 4: Complete Mastering System. Just Blaze admits to using this in his New York studio to master and finalize a pretty good bulk of his work load. Not just becuase of who uses it is what has my attention though, but the overall look and clarity as to the software itself is what sold it to me. Just by looking at the picture, one can tell that this is NOT your typical plug-and-push type of plug-in. It doesn't just knock you senseless with all of its bells and whistles, but with the retail price - standing at a whopping $249.99 (Luckily the software comes with a 10-day grace period ..I'll take what I can *shoulder shrug*)

I will be using this to work on my "November 8th" project - Let's see how its magic works for FreeThought and Myself. __x

#TheLatestNews (Pro-Tools 8: M-Powered)

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood ,

I just want to say that Pro-Tools 8 is the first software that ever made me want to masturbate! -_-
This has to be the MOST GROUND BREAKING application I have ever had the pleasure of working with.

From December I had fallen in love with the Pro-Tools brand by Digidesign, however, due to a lack of funds I was only able to work with a copy of Pro-Tools 8: Essentials - The "demo" version to the software. But as of two weeks ago, I went out and purchased the software ($262.43), and haven't stopped touching myself yet O_O.

This software gets a thumbs up plus a pinky toe from FreeThought Inc. __x


Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood ,

Ayo Happy Birthday to the infamous D-R-E real traaAAP lmao #weinhere.
My nigga Dre on his grown man thinking like an old man lmao

On some real talk though man Happy Birthday and keep doing ya thing ..with them nutty short-shorts and all smh lolol __x

(..and I know your wondering where that pic came from too)

Law of Seduction: Today's Law

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood

Create a False Sense of Security - Approach Indirectly

The seduction should begin at an angle so that the target only gradually becomes aware of you. Haunt the periphery of your targets life. __x

#ManLaw:The Bible For Male Interaction

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood

  1. It is OK for a man to cry ONLY under the following:
    • When a heroic dog dies to save its master.
    • The moment Angelina Jolie starts unbuttoning her blouse.
    • After wrecking your boss's car.
    • One hour, 12 minutes, 37 seconds into "The Crying Game".
    • When she is using her teet.
  2. Any Man who brings a camera to a bachelor party may be legally killed and eaten by his buddies.
  3. Unless he murdered someone in your family, you must bail a friend out of jail within 12 hours.
  4. If you've known a guy for more than 24 hours, his sister is off limits forever unless you actually marry her.
  5. Moaning about the brand of free beer in a buddy's fridge is forbidden. However complain at will if the temperature is unsuitable.
  6. No man shall ever be required to buy a birthday present for another man. In fact, even remembering your buddy's birthday is strictly optional. At that point, you must celebrate at a strip bar of the birthday boy's choice.
  7. On a road trip, the strongest bladder determines pit stops, not the weakest.
  8. When stumbling upon other guys watching a sporting event, you may ask the score of the game in progress, but you may never ask who's playing.
  9. You may flatulate in front of a woman only after you have brought her to climax. If you trap her head under the covers for the purpose of flatulent entertainment, she's officially your girlfriend.
  10. It is permissible to drink a fruity alcohol drink only when you're sunning on a tropical beach... and it's delivered by a topless model and only when it's free.
  11. Only in situations of moral and/or physical peril are you allowed to kick another guy in the nuts.
  12. Unless you're in prison, never fight naked.
  13. Friends don't let friends wear Speedos. Ever. Issue closed.
  14. If a man's fly is down, that's his problem, you didn't see anything.
  15. Women who claim they "love to watch sports" must be treated as spies until they demonstrate knowledge of the game and the ability to drink as much as the other sports watchers.
  16. A man in the company of a hot, suggestively dressed woman must remain sober enough to fight.
  17. Never hesitate to reach for the last beer or the last slice of pizza, but not both, that's just greedy.
  18. If you compliment a guy on his six-pack, you'd better be talking about his choice of beer.
  19. Never join your girlfriend or wife in discussing a friend of yours, except if she's withholding sex pending your response.
  20. Phrases that may NOT be uttered to another man while lifting weights:
    • Yeah, Baby, Push it!
    • C'mon, give me one more! Harder!
    • Another set and we can hit the showers!
  21. Never talk to a man in a bathroom unless you are on equal footing: i.e., both urinating, both waiting in line, etc. For all other situations, an almost imperceptible nod is all the conversation you need.
  22. Never allow a telephone conversation with a woman to go on longer than you are able to have sex with her. Keep a stopwatch by the phone. Hang up if necessary.
  23. The morning after you and a girl who was formerly "just a friend" have carnal, drunken monkey sex, the fact that you're feeling weird and guilty is no reason for you not to nail each other again before the discussion occurs about what a big mistake it was.
  24. It is acceptable for you to drive her car. It is not acceptable for her to drive yours.
  25. Thou shalt not buy a car in the colors of brown, pink, lime green, orange or sky blue.
  26. The girl who replies to the question "What do you want for Christmas?" with "If you loved me, you'd know what I want!" gets an Xbox. End of story.
  27. There is no reason for guys to watch Ice Skating or Men's Gymnastics. Ever.
(Lmfao ...I stole this from a website THIS IS NOT MY OWN but HILARIOUS) ___X

Jam Of The Week: Understood Music (Headake)

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Thursday, June 10, 2010 , ,

By far..
I think this has to be one of the MOST fulfilling tracks that I've heard put together this summer. Off of Headake's NEWEST project "The Continuation" to me, this track showed Headake as his best. It's just something about that scratch sample that sent me (literally) flying when i heard it - and when I hear it. Headake started the project around the beginning of the summer, after the release of Pancakes&Mixtapes:Vol.1 (Which he featured on).
This is definitely a banger, and one worthy of being the #JamOfTheWeek - not to mention I know this cat personally lol (cool peoples)! Yall keep yall eyes open and ears to the streets for what else this cat has up his sleeve __X

Home Improvement: Upgrade Anyone?

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood
Soo it was about that time...

I know we all had gotten accustomed to the "Black" feel of "Prophecy's Blog" Lol. However, with everything that flourishes, there is always some type of growth (or at least a connect O_O). The all black look was cool.. but it didn't really speak to the vision I had for the page. I can't say that THIS is the "Vision".. but it's closer to it than the standard black on black backdrop with teal post titles -_-

I love the grey on grey scheming and how it blends with the tangerine post headings (Don't judge my HGTV moment)

I must say, given the circumstances, I digg the new wardrobe for the page -although this page FOR ME will take some getting use to. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF THE PAGE IN THE COMMENT BOX.

Ladies and gentlemen (or just the view that probably read my post on the regular) I present to you the NEW and IMPROVED Therealprop.Blogspot.Com *Claps hands* -_- *walks out the room* __X

#PoetryPlug: To My First Poem

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Saturday, June 5, 2010 , ,

It was beautiful..
The way you handled yourself that day. My first time steppin to the light. Birds flyin, you neva looked up from your piano of a position. Strings set you off easy, but today was different. You aint hesitate like you normally do, you fired off and there were frets on display. I could see your spine, how naked you were, so pure. You walked like wait, like patience, like the noblest of attributes; moved like pride, you did. Birds flyin, you neva blinked, neva pulled curtains over your words, you let yourself see cuz it was easier to breathe that way. Sometimes darkness chokes, and you faced the lights, and sang to them. I like to think that your voice is the reason winter gets silent, it anticipates your coming like spring, bold like January neva happened, like the year didnt start out cold. Like we was neva meant to be packed in third world apartments, hearts strumming underprivileged, struggling tunes. You sang like unborn lungs, pure and muffled, like we were not destined to sleep on streets covered with notes too hungry to hear, let alone make a home out of. Naw, you walked like you knew where you going, wobbling, yes; but dodging death with grace. And to think I had almost aborted you. Birds flying, your face neva dripped fear, and somehow you knew that stage lights are liars, they say heaven but give off toxic fluorescent. You had to have your own light, and I loved you for that ambition, that tone. How violent your passion is, you sing disrespect to pain, and play poverty like you wrote it yourself, and you own the music of your life. I love that, but some people hate it because they can't do it themselves, can only be instruments, and you play them too, viciously, with all the love you can muster. I've watched you rhyme enemies and dance to death threats. Double dutch music onto concrete and give it a heartbeat, who said words couldn't change the world? You waltzed me out of wounds too black and blue to be human, told me it wasn't normal for my heart to beat the way it did, that broken songs don't make sense. Birds flyin, you loved me like the sky was clear, like we were the only two people in the room that day, and I gave you away, adorned in the best of me. Though poems end, and people clap and leave, you've neva stopped singin to me. I'm a bruised tune with poetry for lips, and we say more than music.

(Written By: Demaria Forte')

I'm Ill Freestyle: Prophecy (8th of November)

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Friday, June 4, 2010 , , ,

This is the THIRD release from the "8th of November" project! Hope you enjoy..
(And feel free to tell me what you think)

8th of November: Release Date Blues

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood , , ,
So it's official..

the project will in fact be the "8th of November" project as stated before. In the midst of contemplating whether I should change it or not, I noticed that videos had already been posted to the internet with the title already stamped on it hey.. problem solved. But in other news, even bigger obstacles await myself and the rest of the FreeThought team, as we contemplate the release date of to the second project of the summer.

In being TOTALLY honest, I had it in my heart to release the project to the public June 18th, however, in light of so many on the team still discombobulated due to summer vacation transitions, the adequate amount of attention and publicity needed to successfully launch the project, might be handicapped by such an "early" date.

"We still have yet to put out an OFFICIAL video for the project" (Outside the confines of 'Salutation' and the Freestyles leaked to the FreeThought Channel).

All in all, I have to agree that releasing a project on def ears is the WORT thing any artist can do - unless that was your plan from the beginning. So as it still stand, the release of the project is indefinite until we feel the timing is right and the energy is pure.

Until Than.. FreeThought's Channel will be providing you the HOTTEST videos of the summer till than - provided by none other than FreeThought's own ___X

I Don't Get Picked..We Pick The Label

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood


As if you didn't know (and if you really DIDN'T know) FreeThought proudly presents to you the OFFICIAL FreeThought Insignia!

Jermaine and myself came together to decide what it was exactly we wanted to represent our artistic brain child. Now if you've been keeping up to date with all of our video post, than you've become quit familiar with the logo already.

The logo is a leafless tree amidst a blank canvas.
As you will also notice is that the tree and the background are always contrasting in color (black on white or white on black). All of this together.. creates a tree representing artistic liberation in a contrasting world currently void of it - leafless for all of us to "sprout" however we see fit to our artistic liking.

Ladies and gentlemen.. I give to you, FreeThought's insignia! *Pats own back*

Jam Of The Week: Wonder Years (MC Lyte)

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood ,

I feel like with all the hype surrounding all of the new upcoming projects, I have been neglecting to post videos OUTSIDE the confines of FreeThought.. (Not what I intended)
So with that, I give to you a throwback jawn from MC Lyte, the QUEEN of Hip-Hop. I personally LOVE this song (goose bumps every time I hear that Jay-Z sample).

Hope you enjoy! __X

..Oh and MC Lyte can get the bizzy dizzy o_O #ThatIsAll

To Change Or Not To Change

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Wednesday, June 2, 2010 , , ,

After weeks of debating and deliberating, I have come to the conclusion that I'm not TOO sure that "8th of November" is what I want to call my upcoming project. WAIT WAIT WAIT's not that I don't like the name anymore (I LOVE that name - its my birthday -_-) I'm just saying that I'm not too sure that it makes the statement that a rookie project should make - at least I think...

I like to believe that in this being my very first solo project, naming the project after the day I was born would give the tape a "new comer" feel. However, with the success of FreeThought's debut project "Pancakes & Mixtapes: Vol. 1" due to the "spunk" of such a ''out the box'' title ...I have just come to feel that "8th of November" does not meet that same "level of spunkyness" (I know that word doesn't exist ..its my blog *cuts eyes*)

All in all, the title STILL stands to be released as "8th of November" - but is under HEAVY deliberation. I just wish I had some OUTSIDE feed back and opinion on the situation and circumstances __X

Release Night Results for Pancakes&Mixtapes:Vol.1 Premier

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Friday, May 21, 2010 , ,

All in all,
with this being, not only the very first mixtape release for the very first FreeThought Inc. project all together, I think it is very safe to say that the launch of BOTH components were a success (well.. from a numbers point of view). In the very first night, P&M:Vol.1 was downloaded 141 times! Now this is AMAZING but at the same time does not ACCURATELY depict the amount of people that have gotten their hands on the awaited project.
1. There were link issues and some of the downloads were in fact "re-downloads" do to people having "zipping" problems.
2. The project was then downloaded by some and then shared with others via Skype (Do to .zip file errors)

And so all in all, statistically the mixtape was a success theoretically ..but the numbers do not say exactly what we need to hear at the moment - although 141 download the fist night from some "no namers" is a pretty good launch if I do say so my self *pats own back* -_-

What FreeThought really NEEDS is for people to keep pushing the project and to have people LEAVE THEIR COMMENTS ABOUT THE PROJECT!!! We HAVE to hear feed back from the people so that we can better ourselves as artist and as a corporation.

There is a scheduled project due to drop every month this summer (Not all rap and mixtape nor music) sooo keep your ears the videos and eyes to the Blog #realtrap *dre voice ___X


Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood


Pancakes & Mixtapes: Vol. 1 (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Thursday, May 20, 2010 ,



Call of Duty: Black Ops

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Honestly, I have yet to watch the trailer for the newest addition to the COD collection, and so I have no take on how to feel about it. It seems like the creators of Call of Duty are really on the deen seeing as though it hasn't even been a full year since the release of COD Modern Warfare 2 (Although it will be at the release of the newest addition)

What yall think it's gonna be hitting for? Think it's gonna meet the hype?

Also, there has been debate between some of my homies on the bases that COD has rightfully taken the crown as the "King" of shooter video games - but to the opposition that says COD is nice BUT is NOT the BEST!! Where Do YOU STAND on THIS DEBATE?

Prophecy: Salutation (8th of November)

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood , , ,

This is the very FIRST FreeThought video for the "8th of November" Project soon to be released after "Pancakes & Mixtapes: Vol. 1"

Dre: Smooth Climax (Pancakes&Mixtapes:Vol.1)

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Tuesday, May 18, 2010 , , ,

EXCLUSIVE: Coming Soon....

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood , , ,

Yes, I will be releasing a solo Mixtape after the bubble of Pancakes & Mixtapes Vol.1

NOT TO BE CONFUSED with my long awaited poetry project, the "8th of November" will be my re-introduction as a lyricist - outside the confines of Spoken Word. After all, this is how I came into being sooo.. back to the basics AND the studio (Though the project is already near complete)

Maine Feat. Prophecy: Run This Town (Pancakes&Mixtapes:Vol.1)

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood , ,

Maine & Prophecy: Change (Pancakes&Mixtapes:Vol.1)

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood , , , ,

Pancakes & Mixtapes: Vol. 1

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Sunday, May 16, 2010 ,

IT'S HERE.... IT'S FINALLY HERE! (Well.. not not fully but, ALMOST)
The LONG AWAITED project/Mixtape we as a team and all of our faithful supporters has been waiting for. This summer "Pancakes & Mixtapes: Vol. 1" will be the very first, not only Mixtape, but project all together - brought to the public from FreeThought Inc.

No date has been set yet as to the Official release date, but ALL OVER Twitter people have been asking for a "Leak" or "Leaked Tracks." I don't know what might come of anything released before the official date, BUT WHAT I DO KNOW is that when P&M Vol. 1 drops's gonna LITERALLY CRACK THE CONCRETE!! __X

Prophecy: "Delightful Daffodile"

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Wednesday, April 28, 2010 , , , , ,

I am SOO EXCITED right now! THIS IS MY VERY FIRST VIDEO POST OF ME PERFORMING!!! This was filmed at the "Love Letters to Venus" Show @ Oakwood University. I hope you ENJOY.

#PoetryPlug: Decay of Living

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood , ,

Writen By: DeMaria LaForte'

(Vibin to Common- Forever Begins)

Baghdad shoulda had a prom,
Shoulda celebrated under those
ignited skies.
This looks just like 4th of July.
Feels like refuge in rubble.

Lets dance to the sounds
Cuz you know we were born
with this rhythm
tacked to our toes.
Napalm in our DNA,
AK47 heartbeats,

Just let me remember your smile
before it ends.
Run for cover in it
when it rains again outside.
It always rains
So lets be permanent
Like shiny scars,
Lets be ours.

Vibing to bombing,
We young like that.
Let me hold you nervous like
the rifles in 6 year old hands.
Lets be that innocent.
Take shelter in me
like the never named babies
in hurting stomaches.
Lets be their birth
and renew ourselves
like shells reloaded every
200 deaths in the barrels
of our kinsmen (this rhythm runs in the fam)
Lets be dangerous like that.

May the world shudder at the
beautiful horror in our dance.
Let our fingertips burn and fuse
with one another's
for the sake of unity.
Lets be thirst and
drink of the cup that forever spills over
with the tears of our mothers.
Ignore the residual tear gas
and lets sing acidic to eachother.
You don't need to breathe air,
breathe me.

As we dance outside and inside at the same time
Amongst broken walls
under a burning ceiling,
salute to democracy.
Love me like this.
Lets be mysterious
and make this dance look intriguing.
Lets be war photographers,
and show the world that the smoke coiling up
is us.
And if they think these clouds look like Heaven,
they should see it from the inside, it's magical.
Lets be superhuman
and die loud,
and bright,
and bold.

Lets gossip about this night
to the closed ears and eyes of
American idle, and
let us not take offense
to them not wanting their kids
to come out and play with us.
Dare not tell those children that
their parents are the world's music makers.
And that we owe all the success of this
glorious night, to them.
Let's dance to this wonderful world.
Toast to life.

(Written By: DeMaria LaForte')


Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Tuesday, April 27, 2010 , ,

I just want to send a SPECIAL #SHOUTOUT to my nigga MAINE!!! (@darealmaine)
Happy 21st Boi... #WeDontStop #FlySh*t #Always
Poppin Rosey Dosey ALL NIGHT on Prop!
CHECK HIS PAGE OUT @ JermaineThomas.Blogspot.Com

And a HAPPY 21st to my homegurl IMANI!!!
Bottles on the way... Real trap!!


Why Doesn’t He Tell Me What He’s Feeling?

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Tuesday, April 20, 2010 , ,
I have a lot of female friends.
And in playing the therapist role whenever they need that “guy perspective”, one thing that tends to come up often is “Why won’t he just tell me what’s wrong?” or “Why doesn’t he tell me what he’s really thinking?”
What needs to be focused in this issue is a psychological happening know as Self-disclosure - when we reveal our inner most thoughts and feelings to others. This may include, but is not limited to, thoughts, feelings, aspirations, goals, failures, successes, fears, dreams as well as one's likes, dislikes, and favorites.

A blending of projection and self-disclosure, given the right circumstances, is how we put together a male that has extreme difficulty with opening himself up, and making himself vulnerable.

I cannot say that this is the answer to EVERY girl’s communication problem, however, given the right circumstances, this is what is going on inside his head. According to psychologist:

“Self-disclosure is an important part in building friendships and relationships and in general it increases liking and creates a bond of trust and confidence among people. However, opening up to other people entails certain risks and dangers as releasing or giving away personal information may make people vulnerable.”

When it comes to relationships, in essence, who we are and how we act is dependent on our childhood. Our childhood is the raw DNA that makes us all who we are, whether we are in a relationship or single as a dollar bill. WE ARE ALL genetic make ups of our past experiences. From your first embarrassment, to your very first crush, EVERYTHING about us is in some form or fashion, a direct result of something that has happened in our past.

Now in looking at a male that has problems with feelings of vulnerability, a hoard of reasons can be used to explain this happening. However, I submit to you that the reason a guy – especially black males – may have problems with completely opening himself up, is due to the fact that at some point in his childhood, he made an attempt at self-disclosure but did not have self-disclosure reciprocated back to him. In other words, as a child he made himself vulnerable only to not be received by the receiving individual. This tends to happen, but is not limited to, when the child is from a broken home -whether it is broken by divorce or out-of-wedlock birth. According to psychologist:

“…When the other person closes up and is indifferent to disclosure, it creates an atmosphere of tension. The efforts of disclosure and of starting a relationship with that person will be in vain and if such occasions are repeated they may have an adverse reaction on the individual and these individuals may become more hesitant to make future attempts at self-disclosure.”

This is then where we cross paths with what is known at “Projection” - the unconscious act of denial of a person's own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world. Meaning, suppressed thoughts are projected onto other people – making other people the mental scape-goats of our voids. So say your boyfriend is from a home where he knew of his father/mother but did not necessarily live with him/her, or maybe even never got the chance to know him/her all together. This than could lead to a suppressed sense of tension, resulting in a subconscious bitterness toward the absent father/mother, thus, priming the individual for projection of bitter feelings AND THE LACK OF TRUST onto any individual who might try to fill that void – i.e. YOU THE GIRLFRIEND (or girl seeking that type of attention). It’s not that YOU are the reason he can’t trust you, but that YOU are the reason HE REMEMBERS why he can’t trust his mother/father. This is why he won’t tell you what he’s feeling. Because of projection and his inability to self-disclose due to the projected lack of trust.

It’s a hard day in history to be a girlfriend, especially with soooooo many guys coming from broken families – especially African-American males. And with the divorce rate at an all time high of 50%, one can only ask what does the future hold for young boys and girls, who will have to grow-up and deal with these effects. So don’t beat yourself up about why your guy has problems with being open and vulnerable. “Still waters run deep” and should be handled with ease and care, because who knows, with enough love and support, you can be the clay that God uses to fill the void in his life _X

Urban Word: Alexis Marie and B. Yung

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Monday, April 19, 2010 , , , ,

THIS is the essence of a well-oiled operating collaboration piece #ThatIsAll #ILeaveOnThat


And I think Alexis is the sexiest thing to do poetry *Drops mic and walks of slowly*
(#Shoutout to Nikki for putting me on to the video)

Book of The Week

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood
It's a book about change. In particular, it's a book that presents a new way of understanding why change so often happens as quickly and as unexpectedly as it does. For example, why did crime drop so dramatically in New York City in the mid-1990's? How does a novel written by an unknown author end up as national bestseller? Why do teens smoke in greater and greater numbers, when every single person in the country knows that cigarettes kill? Why is word-of-mouth so powerful? What makes TV shows like Sesame Street so good at teaching kids how to read? I think the answer to all those questions is the same. It's that ideas and behavior and messages and products sometimes behave just like outbreaks of infectious disease. They are social epidemics. The Tipping Point is an examination of the social epidemics that surround us. (Gladwell)

I have this book on audio. I have to admit, it is one of the most revolutionary works I have come across in a while. I have yet to complete this book, however, rest assured it will not fall into that pile of books that never see a thorough reading.


Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood

These past 3 weeks for me have been HELL. There is so much work (amongst other things) that I had to deal with, that really kept my stress high and my patients low.

This is to just inform that I acknowledge that I have been negligent in posting new articles (sorry). However, with this semester coming to a rapid close, I will be able to post and post and post and post and post and ( get the idea).

And so with that,
I will start posting up more photo spreads, more food-4-thought, and even get things rolling with my online poetry life (-_-).

The Men of Art&Soul Presents: Love Letters to Venus

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Friday, March 26, 2010 , ,
It was a night that any girl would dream about....

From the butter-smooth introduction by Shawn, to the acoustic collaboration between Dre and Harrison, this show was definitely one riddled with pleasant surprises for all the ladies.

Lets see what the ladies have in store for the guys THIS Tuesday...

CP Maze Southern Fried Slam 2009

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Monday, March 15, 2010 ,

This piece is CRAZY - Watch and be inspired!

What Yall Think About It?

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Friday, March 5, 2010 ,
After MONTHS of anticipation, Loso finally dropped "There is No Compitition 2"
I have started listining to it, but I have yet to really BLAST it (Cause you know it DOES make a diffference). Some LOVE it..and as expected some hated(ing) on it. Imma personally see what's good wit..and maybe let yall in on how I feel...BUT FOR NOW we in here. Is LOSO KILLING IT?

Conformity: The Issue of Faith & Religion (Is it GOOD or is it BAD)

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood , ,

By definition, “Conformity” is stated to be, “A type of social influence in which individuals change their attitudes or behavior to adhere to existing social norms.” Social influence is everywhere. When we turn on the television, influence is there. While driving down roads and passing billboards, we too are being socially influenced. Even in catching the tail of a drive-by conversation walking down the street, our minds are constantly under the influence of social conformity. Everyone wants someone to conform to something. Even in our churches conformity can be found in its purest definition. Not all conformity is bad - nor is it all malicious. Conformity can be for the better. Like conforming to a life that models that of Christ, would be an example of positive conforming. However, one cannot deny the reality of constant pressures meant to seduce us into conforming by evil, into dastardly people. When it comes down to faith and religion, the very essence of one’s spiritual being is based solely on the very existence of conformity as a principle – whether it be for the good or the demise of one’s spiritual life.

After psychoanalyzing conformity that takes place inside the realm of religion, I have discovered that one can conform in 1 of 4 ways – from bad to good; from good to bad; from good to better; and from bad to worst.

Whenever we think about church, we tend to depict in our minds a place where all can come clean, and be forgiving for transgressions committed throughout the week’s days - though this does not have to be done solely in the confines of a physical church. And with that, we are given the chance to live a life saved by the Blood of Jesus, though our sins may drip as exuberant as a cherry red Fire Truck. In this “rebirthing” process from sinner to saint, conformity is made from the evil to the righteous – from the bad to the good.

just as the enemy would have it, with every saint saved, there is another saint who falls by the wayside. More commonly seen in the youth of the church, religious principle(s) may at times, conflict with that of the socially accepted – creating the all popular battle of church vs. popular propaganda. Many times, the youth feels torn between the decision of what is “right”, and what is “accepted”, amongst outside circles and peers. Young people who have “grown up” in the church, all too frequently find themselves in this predicament - conditioning them to rebel against their norm, in attempt to rid of their “church persona”, to justify their place in “Pop Society.” Here is where you find the compromise. It is here where the conformity from good to bad takes occurrence – the transition from good Christian, to compromising, leading to bad decisions.

Conforming will often times lead a person down a road resulting in the swinging of one extreme to another. However, on the inverse, one can also go from one extreme, and simply conform to a further extremity in the same extreme all together. Instead of conforming to society’s influence of pop society, one can further conform into Christ - leading to a richer and more meaning full relationship. But on the other hand, instead of turning and repenting from wicked ways, that will ultimately seal our eternal destruction, one can further become cohesive in their addiction to sinful lust – further plunging them into the depths of obsolete living.

All four ways of conforming inside the walls of church or religion, can be seen in almost any faith. It does not take a Ph.D. in psychology to see that we as people have needs and insecurities that find themselves being messaged by social influences, that makes us feel valid and relevant in our own respective social stratus.

Conformity can be for the better. Like conforming to a life that models that of Christ, people can conform into whole and new creatures. However, the reality of constant pressures meant to seduce us into conforming into dirty and malicious people, is very real and present as well. When it comes down to faith and religion, the very essence of one’s spiritual being is based solely on the very existence of conformity as a principle – whether it be for the good or the demise of one’s spiritual life. This is something that none of us can change. The Bible says that “By beholding we shall become changed.” So conformity is inevitable. Nobody can live a life without beholding anything. The question then just becomes, to what are you conforming into? And at what cost are you paying for your transformation? ___X

The NEWEST Addition (I Should Be A Director)

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Monday, March 1, 2010

This is my LATEST addition, to my on going collection of "Cinema Poster Photography"
PLEASE tell me what you think

...and shoutout to Dei and Dre for modeling the concept (True lol) ___X

Brave New Voices: "Hir" (AMAZING)

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood ,


Videos like this inspires to do better, whenever I feel like I'm getting lazy or "comfortable." In honesty, I CANT AFFORD not to stay humble and work as hard as I do (or should) because the real world is a tough place...and the caliber of this performance shows exactly that. ___X

Think About It...

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Thursday, February 25, 2010

African-Americans have been the victims of conditioning for hundreds of years. From race induced inequalities, to biased systems that shape our society, Blacks have been shafted time and time again. As crime continues to sky rocket in African-American communities, and blacks continue to overcrowd prisons all around the nation, one can only ask if the conditioning of African-Americans and crime waves are synonymous. The sociological theory states that crime results from social or cultural forces that are external to any specific individual, exist prior to any criminal act, and emerges from social class, political, ecological, or physical structures affecting large groups of people. So have African-Americans become programmed to commit criminal acts as a direct result of external situations that are beyond their control? Some argue the “Hood” is only as handicapping as you make it. However, in light of recent studies, the “Hood” is not only attributed to poverty prone external surroundings, but a mentality – an ideology. Carter Godwin Woodson, author of “The Mis-Education of the Negro,” states a concept implying that if you control a man’s mind, then the man himself you control. Once the brain has been conquered, the body has no choice but to react as it’s told by the superior power – i.e. the conqueror. How does all of this come to a head in discussing whether African-Americans were/are programmed with a pre-disposition to commit unlawful acts? Where do we start in finding the common thread that runs all throughout the Black community, in pertaining to their take on crime and how it affects them?

Now That's Real Talk....

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood

Today's "Real Talk" quote comes from "Superstar", written by Lauryn Hill (The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill)

Just as Christ was a superstar, you stupid star
They'll hail you then they'll nail you, no matter who you are

In being a poet for a substantial amount of time now, I have been given the opportunity to see life through a pair of shades, most people have never looked through. Here is were inspiration can be drawn from abstract places, due to the ability to see life in a way that is foreign to most. However, with the increase of wisdom, comes the weight of accountability. In my line of work, we as performing artist, deal with the very essence of "life in the limelight." With this, tends to come the self-destructing habit of "feeling ourselves." Not to throw stones in a glass house - for everyone struggles with trying to find the balance between confidence and cockiness - but I've been impressed to share that we as performers carry a RESPONSIBILITY. Any God-fearing Christian can tell you that "Our blessing are not for us." For us to become proud and over-confident in our ability to carry out our gift(s) on stage, NEGATES THE VERY PURPOSE of why God has chosen to bless us with these abilities. And in that, JUST AS QUICK AS THE CROWD PROCLAIMS YOU A STAR, THEY WILL TEAR YOU DOWN AND MAKE YOU A MARTYR. The crowd is fickle, and with them, everything is fleeting. Placing your pride in the love of a crowd, is like trusting a bumb to watch your credit cards. I just want to encourage everyone to stay meek in spirit - for every stone thrown in a glass house, has to be taken accounted for __ X

Book of The Week

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood

by Carter Godwin Woodson Ph.D.
Edited with an Introduction by Charles H. Wesley
and Thelma D. Perry
First Published in 1933

"When you control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his 'proper place' and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes it necessary."
- Carter G. Woodson, The Mis-education of the Negro

"Considerable time has passed since the first printing of this volume, but it is significant that it has meaning and direct implications for today's consideration. While it does not relate exclusively to Black History it does emphasize its instruction, research and writing. In substance Carter Woodson has produced a definitive and constructive critique of the educational system, with special reference to its blighting effects on the Negro; and the term he used, Mis-education, was the most apt and descriptive word available. It is still, in 1969, equally as relevant and expressive. Now, however, it is loudly articulated by many voices of Whites as well as Blacks, who likewise challenge the system."

Howard Zinn

Art&Soul Presents Luvapalooza: The Love Renaissance

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Wednesday, February 24, 2010 , ,

Seats were something you could only wish about....
had you gotten to the show, after the opening. From all different types of social tracks and genres around campus, people FLOCKED to see what the hype was about - Had they not knew about it from before hand. If you missed this show, this moment in history, you truly missed out on a chance to see some of Oakwood University's finest poets and performers dazzling the hearts of hundreds in a spectacle - in poetry and music (but mostly poetry....POETS RUN THE SHOW). "It was by far the best AnS show I've ever seen" said Maine, a member of the highly esteemed "ArtnSoul" group, and one of the poets that performed that night. The show attracted from faculty members, the student body, and other poets from around the community - even a group of poets that came to support from The University of Alabama in Huntsville.

The show began with the usual open-mic, that grew so long within the ten minutes it was open, literally only half the people that signed up actually got the chance to make it to the stage. However, even in only being able to present half the list, the open-mic list itself was "crazy" - in comparison to the usual.

But then it was show time. As the curtains closed to set the stage, it was then reopened to only reveal Shawn, a rookie poet to the A&S group, doing his piece in classic "Mr. Rodgers" parody. From then on it was "nothing but panty droppers." EVERYBODY brought their A game. Even the host/MC of the night, who tickled the audience with his witty humor and striking appearance (*Cough...I was the host *cough). The show flowed all the way through, even keeping the vast majority of the audience after the intermission - which has always been a struggle AnS has wrestled with. The show was tied together at the end with a piece by Mick, another rookie poet to the group, that dedicated a piece to the special lady of his heart.

On a personal note...
I have been in ArtnSoul for the better part of 3 years now, and i can honestly say, NO OTHER SHOW SINCE I'VE BEEN IN THE GROUP can hold a candle to the spectacle I witnessed that night. It had everything you wanted - Sad pieces, happy pieces, pieces about God, even pieces to scores and acoustic backdrops. I can't explain the emotion I felt watching the show from a shadow on the wall, witnessing what was said to "never be again" and "what ArtnSoul USED to be." In between the camera crew that was filming the show, and the flashes from cameras (from the 4 or so photographers that came), I couldn't but help remembering what "Luvapalooza" was like when I came in. We had NOTHING. We barley filled HALF of the auditorium FOR A FREE SHOW. And to see a body in EVERY seat, on top of the fact that EVERYONE HAD TO PAY, really made me thank God for everything. period. Because I remember a time when they said success and ArtnSoul shall never again be synonymous, and to those individuals I have nothing but love. However...well...that's another post for another day.
Praise be to God for great things He has, will, and continue to keep doing in the lives of every poet on campus, and ArtnSoul as a group.

AnS UP!!!!!! ___ X

Just to Get Started... #Black&Whites of the Week

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood

Here are some of my photos from this current semester (Havn't really been on sorry...but you better like it lol) ___X