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I Don't Get Picked..We Pick The Label

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Friday, June 4, 2010


As if you didn't know (and if you really DIDN'T know) FreeThought proudly presents to you the OFFICIAL FreeThought Insignia!

Jermaine and myself came together to decide what it was exactly we wanted to represent our artistic brain child. Now if you've been keeping up to date with all of our video post, than you've become quit familiar with the logo already.

The logo is a leafless tree amidst a blank canvas.
As you will also notice is that the tree and the background are always contrasting in color (black on white or white on black). All of this together.. creates a tree representing artistic liberation in a contrasting world currently void of it - leafless for all of us to "sprout" however we see fit to our artistic liking.

Ladies and gentlemen.. I give to you, FreeThought's insignia! *Pats own back*


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