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Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Sunday, August 15, 2010
So my cuzin Melissa, (@MelODramatEK1 FOLLOW HER!!)
has managed to save my entire project all by her self o_o
Not too long ago, she started her own blog "Regular Black Girl" and has so graciously been playing ALL Prophecy ALL day long on her page lol.  My cuz has ALWAYS been 110% down for me in ALL of my lyrical endevours ..even when I rapped so horribly, I made Vanilla Ice sound like 2pac.  And with that, Melissa has just been showing me and my whole team non-stop love and support.

Not to mention,
with her blog being as beautiful as it is, not only is she sky-rocketing in hits, but whatever song(s) she so chooses to post, gets CRAZY burns outta control spins (...and to a demographic I couldn't have reached myself)

With that said,
I just wanted to give a quick shoutout to my cuzzo for holding me down crazy through the humble beginnings of not only me as a budding artist, but FreeThought Inc. as an organization.

Good Looking Out Cuzzo!!!
( ..#ican't.. i feel warm inside ..i hate this feeling)  CHECK IT OUT!!


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