

Prophecy: "Delightful Daffodile"

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Wednesday, April 28, 2010 , , , , ,

I am SOO EXCITED right now! THIS IS MY VERY FIRST VIDEO POST OF ME PERFORMING!!! This was filmed at the "Love Letters to Venus" Show @ Oakwood University. I hope you ENJOY.

#PoetryPlug: Decay of Living

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood , ,

Writen By: DeMaria LaForte'

(Vibin to Common- Forever Begins)

Baghdad shoulda had a prom,
Shoulda celebrated under those
ignited skies.
This looks just like 4th of July.
Feels like refuge in rubble.

Lets dance to the sounds
Cuz you know we were born
with this rhythm
tacked to our toes.
Napalm in our DNA,
AK47 heartbeats,

Just let me remember your smile
before it ends.
Run for cover in it
when it rains again outside.
It always rains
So lets be permanent
Like shiny scars,
Lets be ours.

Vibing to bombing,
We young like that.
Let me hold you nervous like
the rifles in 6 year old hands.
Lets be that innocent.
Take shelter in me
like the never named babies
in hurting stomaches.
Lets be their birth
and renew ourselves
like shells reloaded every
200 deaths in the barrels
of our kinsmen (this rhythm runs in the fam)
Lets be dangerous like that.

May the world shudder at the
beautiful horror in our dance.
Let our fingertips burn and fuse
with one another's
for the sake of unity.
Lets be thirst and
drink of the cup that forever spills over
with the tears of our mothers.
Ignore the residual tear gas
and lets sing acidic to eachother.
You don't need to breathe air,
breathe me.

As we dance outside and inside at the same time
Amongst broken walls
under a burning ceiling,
salute to democracy.
Love me like this.
Lets be mysterious
and make this dance look intriguing.
Lets be war photographers,
and show the world that the smoke coiling up
is us.
And if they think these clouds look like Heaven,
they should see it from the inside, it's magical.
Lets be superhuman
and die loud,
and bright,
and bold.

Lets gossip about this night
to the closed ears and eyes of
American idle, and
let us not take offense
to them not wanting their kids
to come out and play with us.
Dare not tell those children that
their parents are the world's music makers.
And that we owe all the success of this
glorious night, to them.
Let's dance to this wonderful world.
Toast to life.

(Written By: DeMaria LaForte')


Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Tuesday, April 27, 2010 , ,

I just want to send a SPECIAL #SHOUTOUT to my nigga MAINE!!! (@darealmaine)
Happy 21st Boi... #WeDontStop #FlySh*t #Always
Poppin Rosey Dosey ALL NIGHT on Prop!
CHECK HIS PAGE OUT @ JermaineThomas.Blogspot.Com

And a HAPPY 21st to my homegurl IMANI!!!
Bottles on the way... Real trap!!


Why Doesn’t He Tell Me What He’s Feeling?

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Tuesday, April 20, 2010 , ,
I have a lot of female friends.
And in playing the therapist role whenever they need that “guy perspective”, one thing that tends to come up often is “Why won’t he just tell me what’s wrong?” or “Why doesn’t he tell me what he’s really thinking?”
What needs to be focused in this issue is a psychological happening know as Self-disclosure - when we reveal our inner most thoughts and feelings to others. This may include, but is not limited to, thoughts, feelings, aspirations, goals, failures, successes, fears, dreams as well as one's likes, dislikes, and favorites.

A blending of projection and self-disclosure, given the right circumstances, is how we put together a male that has extreme difficulty with opening himself up, and making himself vulnerable.

I cannot say that this is the answer to EVERY girl’s communication problem, however, given the right circumstances, this is what is going on inside his head. According to psychologist:

“Self-disclosure is an important part in building friendships and relationships and in general it increases liking and creates a bond of trust and confidence among people. However, opening up to other people entails certain risks and dangers as releasing or giving away personal information may make people vulnerable.”

When it comes to relationships, in essence, who we are and how we act is dependent on our childhood. Our childhood is the raw DNA that makes us all who we are, whether we are in a relationship or single as a dollar bill. WE ARE ALL genetic make ups of our past experiences. From your first embarrassment, to your very first crush, EVERYTHING about us is in some form or fashion, a direct result of something that has happened in our past.

Now in looking at a male that has problems with feelings of vulnerability, a hoard of reasons can be used to explain this happening. However, I submit to you that the reason a guy – especially black males – may have problems with completely opening himself up, is due to the fact that at some point in his childhood, he made an attempt at self-disclosure but did not have self-disclosure reciprocated back to him. In other words, as a child he made himself vulnerable only to not be received by the receiving individual. This tends to happen, but is not limited to, when the child is from a broken home -whether it is broken by divorce or out-of-wedlock birth. According to psychologist:

“…When the other person closes up and is indifferent to disclosure, it creates an atmosphere of tension. The efforts of disclosure and of starting a relationship with that person will be in vain and if such occasions are repeated they may have an adverse reaction on the individual and these individuals may become more hesitant to make future attempts at self-disclosure.”

This is then where we cross paths with what is known at “Projection” - the unconscious act of denial of a person's own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world. Meaning, suppressed thoughts are projected onto other people – making other people the mental scape-goats of our voids. So say your boyfriend is from a home where he knew of his father/mother but did not necessarily live with him/her, or maybe even never got the chance to know him/her all together. This than could lead to a suppressed sense of tension, resulting in a subconscious bitterness toward the absent father/mother, thus, priming the individual for projection of bitter feelings AND THE LACK OF TRUST onto any individual who might try to fill that void – i.e. YOU THE GIRLFRIEND (or girl seeking that type of attention). It’s not that YOU are the reason he can’t trust you, but that YOU are the reason HE REMEMBERS why he can’t trust his mother/father. This is why he won’t tell you what he’s feeling. Because of projection and his inability to self-disclose due to the projected lack of trust.

It’s a hard day in history to be a girlfriend, especially with soooooo many guys coming from broken families – especially African-American males. And with the divorce rate at an all time high of 50%, one can only ask what does the future hold for young boys and girls, who will have to grow-up and deal with these effects. So don’t beat yourself up about why your guy has problems with being open and vulnerable. “Still waters run deep” and should be handled with ease and care, because who knows, with enough love and support, you can be the clay that God uses to fill the void in his life _X

Urban Word: Alexis Marie and B. Yung

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Monday, April 19, 2010 , , , ,

THIS is the essence of a well-oiled operating collaboration piece #ThatIsAll #ILeaveOnThat


And I think Alexis is the sexiest thing to do poetry *Drops mic and walks of slowly*
(#Shoutout to Nikki for putting me on to the video)

Book of The Week

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood
It's a book about change. In particular, it's a book that presents a new way of understanding why change so often happens as quickly and as unexpectedly as it does. For example, why did crime drop so dramatically in New York City in the mid-1990's? How does a novel written by an unknown author end up as national bestseller? Why do teens smoke in greater and greater numbers, when every single person in the country knows that cigarettes kill? Why is word-of-mouth so powerful? What makes TV shows like Sesame Street so good at teaching kids how to read? I think the answer to all those questions is the same. It's that ideas and behavior and messages and products sometimes behave just like outbreaks of infectious disease. They are social epidemics. The Tipping Point is an examination of the social epidemics that surround us. (Gladwell)

I have this book on audio. I have to admit, it is one of the most revolutionary works I have come across in a while. I have yet to complete this book, however, rest assured it will not fall into that pile of books that never see a thorough reading.


Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood

These past 3 weeks for me have been HELL. There is so much work (amongst other things) that I had to deal with, that really kept my stress high and my patients low.

This is to just inform that I acknowledge that I have been negligent in posting new articles (sorry). However, with this semester coming to a rapid close, I will be able to post and post and post and post and post and ( get the idea).

And so with that,
I will start posting up more photo spreads, more food-4-thought, and even get things rolling with my online poetry life (-_-).