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Now That's Real Talk....

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today's "Real Talk" quote comes from "Superstar", written by Lauryn Hill (The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill)

Just as Christ was a superstar, you stupid star
They'll hail you then they'll nail you, no matter who you are

In being a poet for a substantial amount of time now, I have been given the opportunity to see life through a pair of shades, most people have never looked through. Here is were inspiration can be drawn from abstract places, due to the ability to see life in a way that is foreign to most. However, with the increase of wisdom, comes the weight of accountability. In my line of work, we as performing artist, deal with the very essence of "life in the limelight." With this, tends to come the self-destructing habit of "feeling ourselves." Not to throw stones in a glass house - for everyone struggles with trying to find the balance between confidence and cockiness - but I've been impressed to share that we as performers carry a RESPONSIBILITY. Any God-fearing Christian can tell you that "Our blessing are not for us." For us to become proud and over-confident in our ability to carry out our gift(s) on stage, NEGATES THE VERY PURPOSE of why God has chosen to bless us with these abilities. And in that, JUST AS QUICK AS THE CROWD PROCLAIMS YOU A STAR, THEY WILL TEAR YOU DOWN AND MAKE YOU A MARTYR. The crowd is fickle, and with them, everything is fleeting. Placing your pride in the love of a crowd, is like trusting a bumb to watch your credit cards. I just want to encourage everyone to stay meek in spirit - for every stone thrown in a glass house, has to be taken accounted for __ X


Anonymous said...

"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest".

I am impressed by this post, and felt inspired to post this quote by Confucius. Being blessed with the gift of spoken word, all poets must learn how to accommodate the responsibility you write of. Christ placed him self into the limelight of this earthly realm and took up the responsibility of our salvation. (This is not a tangent..Just follow were am taking this lol..)I view and relate to Christ as a poet, he like poets had a message to share to the mass; and both experience the same thing. Christ chose to display his knowledge and glory through experience (which was the hardest), I often wonder why. Holders of this RESPONSIBILITY must pose a treat of self sacrifice and humility (as you stated about having a meek spirit). And often this is best achieved through experience...i.e.You:A. falling on ya behind or messing up during your performance or B. Your message is not conveyed well (b/c you are not in the right spirit or mentality) and the crowed is looking at you like a dickhead.. Anyways...its not a coincidence that Jesus chose to experience things, all performers must experience peaks and lows of ones career in order to learn how to live up the responsibilities of the "limelight". Sorry so long :)

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