

Think About It...

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Thursday, February 25, 2010

African-Americans have been the victims of conditioning for hundreds of years. From race induced inequalities, to biased systems that shape our society, Blacks have been shafted time and time again. As crime continues to sky rocket in African-American communities, and blacks continue to overcrowd prisons all around the nation, one can only ask if the conditioning of African-Americans and crime waves are synonymous. The sociological theory states that crime results from social or cultural forces that are external to any specific individual, exist prior to any criminal act, and emerges from social class, political, ecological, or physical structures affecting large groups of people. So have African-Americans become programmed to commit criminal acts as a direct result of external situations that are beyond their control? Some argue the “Hood” is only as handicapping as you make it. However, in light of recent studies, the “Hood” is not only attributed to poverty prone external surroundings, but a mentality – an ideology. Carter Godwin Woodson, author of “The Mis-Education of the Negro,” states a concept implying that if you control a man’s mind, then the man himself you control. Once the brain has been conquered, the body has no choice but to react as it’s told by the superior power – i.e. the conqueror. How does all of this come to a head in discussing whether African-Americans were/are programmed with a pre-disposition to commit unlawful acts? Where do we start in finding the common thread that runs all throughout the Black community, in pertaining to their take on crime and how it affects them?

Now That's Real Talk....

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood

Today's "Real Talk" quote comes from "Superstar", written by Lauryn Hill (The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill)

Just as Christ was a superstar, you stupid star
They'll hail you then they'll nail you, no matter who you are

In being a poet for a substantial amount of time now, I have been given the opportunity to see life through a pair of shades, most people have never looked through. Here is were inspiration can be drawn from abstract places, due to the ability to see life in a way that is foreign to most. However, with the increase of wisdom, comes the weight of accountability. In my line of work, we as performing artist, deal with the very essence of "life in the limelight." With this, tends to come the self-destructing habit of "feeling ourselves." Not to throw stones in a glass house - for everyone struggles with trying to find the balance between confidence and cockiness - but I've been impressed to share that we as performers carry a RESPONSIBILITY. Any God-fearing Christian can tell you that "Our blessing are not for us." For us to become proud and over-confident in our ability to carry out our gift(s) on stage, NEGATES THE VERY PURPOSE of why God has chosen to bless us with these abilities. And in that, JUST AS QUICK AS THE CROWD PROCLAIMS YOU A STAR, THEY WILL TEAR YOU DOWN AND MAKE YOU A MARTYR. The crowd is fickle, and with them, everything is fleeting. Placing your pride in the love of a crowd, is like trusting a bumb to watch your credit cards. I just want to encourage everyone to stay meek in spirit - for every stone thrown in a glass house, has to be taken accounted for __ X

Book of The Week

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood

by Carter Godwin Woodson Ph.D.
Edited with an Introduction by Charles H. Wesley
and Thelma D. Perry
First Published in 1933

"When you control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his 'proper place' and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes it necessary."
- Carter G. Woodson, The Mis-education of the Negro

"Considerable time has passed since the first printing of this volume, but it is significant that it has meaning and direct implications for today's consideration. While it does not relate exclusively to Black History it does emphasize its instruction, research and writing. In substance Carter Woodson has produced a definitive and constructive critique of the educational system, with special reference to its blighting effects on the Negro; and the term he used, Mis-education, was the most apt and descriptive word available. It is still, in 1969, equally as relevant and expressive. Now, however, it is loudly articulated by many voices of Whites as well as Blacks, who likewise challenge the system."

Howard Zinn

Art&Soul Presents Luvapalooza: The Love Renaissance

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood Wednesday, February 24, 2010 , ,

Seats were something you could only wish about....
had you gotten to the show, after the opening. From all different types of social tracks and genres around campus, people FLOCKED to see what the hype was about - Had they not knew about it from before hand. If you missed this show, this moment in history, you truly missed out on a chance to see some of Oakwood University's finest poets and performers dazzling the hearts of hundreds in a spectacle - in poetry and music (but mostly poetry....POETS RUN THE SHOW). "It was by far the best AnS show I've ever seen" said Maine, a member of the highly esteemed "ArtnSoul" group, and one of the poets that performed that night. The show attracted from faculty members, the student body, and other poets from around the community - even a group of poets that came to support from The University of Alabama in Huntsville.

The show began with the usual open-mic, that grew so long within the ten minutes it was open, literally only half the people that signed up actually got the chance to make it to the stage. However, even in only being able to present half the list, the open-mic list itself was "crazy" - in comparison to the usual.

But then it was show time. As the curtains closed to set the stage, it was then reopened to only reveal Shawn, a rookie poet to the A&S group, doing his piece in classic "Mr. Rodgers" parody. From then on it was "nothing but panty droppers." EVERYBODY brought their A game. Even the host/MC of the night, who tickled the audience with his witty humor and striking appearance (*Cough...I was the host *cough). The show flowed all the way through, even keeping the vast majority of the audience after the intermission - which has always been a struggle AnS has wrestled with. The show was tied together at the end with a piece by Mick, another rookie poet to the group, that dedicated a piece to the special lady of his heart.

On a personal note...
I have been in ArtnSoul for the better part of 3 years now, and i can honestly say, NO OTHER SHOW SINCE I'VE BEEN IN THE GROUP can hold a candle to the spectacle I witnessed that night. It had everything you wanted - Sad pieces, happy pieces, pieces about God, even pieces to scores and acoustic backdrops. I can't explain the emotion I felt watching the show from a shadow on the wall, witnessing what was said to "never be again" and "what ArtnSoul USED to be." In between the camera crew that was filming the show, and the flashes from cameras (from the 4 or so photographers that came), I couldn't but help remembering what "Luvapalooza" was like when I came in. We had NOTHING. We barley filled HALF of the auditorium FOR A FREE SHOW. And to see a body in EVERY seat, on top of the fact that EVERYONE HAD TO PAY, really made me thank God for everything. period. Because I remember a time when they said success and ArtnSoul shall never again be synonymous, and to those individuals I have nothing but love. However...well...that's another post for another day.
Praise be to God for great things He has, will, and continue to keep doing in the lives of every poet on campus, and ArtnSoul as a group.

AnS UP!!!!!! ___ X

Just to Get Started... #Black&Whites of the Week

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood

Here are some of my photos from this current semester (Havn't really been on sorry...but you better like it lol) ___X

Soooo I'm pretty new at this....

Andrew "Prophecy" Harewood
What up EVERYBODY!!!
This is MY very first blog EVER! (Kinda hype right now...but not really)
So, I know the reality is right now I really have nothing to offer but HOLD ON - I know a blog is always under construction..but really...its been less than 24 hours -_-

I have a vision for this page, and ask that EVEYONE supports in how ever they see fit. ___X